Rotator Cuff Surgery After Richmond Area Crash Results in Settlement

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$250,000 Settlement for BenGlassLaw Accident Team After Interstate 95 Accident

The BenGlassLaw car accident client was hit forcefully from behind. Just after the accident, the driver who hit him came up to the car and said ‘I told the boss that those brakes were no good’. Our client suffered a rotator cuff tear and underwent surgery and a lengthy rehabilitation process.

Rotator Cuff Surgery

Rotator cuff tear surgery is a sophisticated orthopedic procedure designed to repair a torn tendon in the shoulder. The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles and their associated tendons that stabilize the shoulder and allow for a wide range of arm movements. Tears can occur due to acute injuries or degenerative changes and can result in pain, weakness, and limited functionality.

Surgical Procedure

The surgery involves reattaching the torn tendon to the head of the humerus, which is the upper arm bone. It can be performed using different techniques:

1. Open Repair:
– In this traditional approach, a large incision is made over the shoulder to expose and repair the torn tendon.
– This method provides a clear view of the damaged area but involves more extensive tissue disruption and a longer recovery time.

2. Mini-Open Repair:
– This method uses a smaller incision and combines aspects of both open and arthroscopic techniques.
– The surgeon uses an arthroscope to view the tear and guide the repair, but the actual reattachment is done through the small incision.

3. Arthroscopic Repair:
– This minimally invasive technique utilizes an arthroscope, which is a small camera, to visualize the tear inside the shoulder.
– Small incisions are made, and specialized instruments are used to reattach the tendon.
– This approach minimizes tissue damage and typically allows for a quicker recovery.

Recovery and Rehabilitation

After surgery, the patient usually wears a sling for several weeks to immobilize the shoulder and allow the tendon to heal. Rehabilitation follows, which is critical to restoring shoulder strength and function. This phase often includes:

1. Physical Therapy:
– Therapy begins with passive exercises where a therapist moves the arm to maintain flexibility.
– Active exercises follow, focusing on strengthening the rotator cuff muscles and improving range of motion.

2. Gradual Resumption of Activities:
– Patients gradually resume normal activities as strength and mobility improve, but full recovery can take several months to a year.

3. Pain Management:
– Post-surgical pain is managed with medications, but it’s crucial to balance pain control with avoiding the risks of opioid overuse.


The outcomes of rotator cuff tear surgery are generally favorable, especially when patients adhere to rehabilitation protocols. Factors influencing outcomes include the size and location of the tear, the patient’s age and health, and the timeliness of the repair. Early intervention often yields better results, while larger or chronic tears may require more complex repairs and have a longer recovery.

Overall, rotator cuff tear surgery is a highly effective treatment for restoring shoulder function and alleviating pain, but it requires careful postoperative management to achieve optimal outcomes.

This case was settled before filing a lawsuit for $225,000.

Brian Glass leads the Accident and Injury Team for Virginia’s BenGlassLaw.

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