What Does a BenGlassLaw Disability Pre-Claim Planning Session Cover?



Meeting with an experienced BenGlassLaw long-term disability attorney will save you time and money and help you avoid both the classic claim process frustration and the top three mistakes claimants make when submitting an initial disability claim.

All BenGlassLaw Paid Pre-Claim Planning Sessions Include:

  1. Comprehensive review of the current medical records supporting your claim.
  2. Full review of any long-term disability insurance policies you are insured under.
  3. Consultation with an experienced long-term disability paralegal to prepare for your attorney planning session and outline our proven process for success.
  4. In-person/Telephone/Zoom meeting with you and one of our experienced long-term disability attorneys. You will walk away from the meeting with a defined strategy for moving forward.
  5. Comprehensive written report our our discussion after the meeting is over.

In the pre-claim planning session with one of our experienced long-term disability attorneys (which typically lasts 45-60 minutes) we will discuss:

  1. How likely is it that your claim will be approved based on your current medical records.
  2. How “good” your long term disability policy is based on the thousands that we have reviewed over the last 25 years.
  3. How you can make your claim stronger before submitting it to the insurance company.
  4. If you are currently working, whether or not you should stop work immediately.
  5. The proper date that you should give as the date of disability on the form.
  6. What will the process be once you submit the claim.
  7. What types of surveillance of you and your social media you can expect from the disability insurance company.
  8. The tax consequences of your monthly benefits.
  9. The role that social security disability will play in your claim.
  10. What you should say to your employer and when you should say it (and what you should never tell an employer.)
  11. What outdoor activities you should and should not engage in while your claim is pending.
  12. What work you may be eligible to do in the future without losing your benefits.
  13. How long your benefits will last once your claim is approved.
  14. The process the insurance company will use to evaluate your claim.
  15. What support you will need from your doctor, and what happens if your doctor does not support your claim.

Pre-Claim Reviews and Consultations with Nationally Recognized BenGlassLaw Attorneys

Start your journey through the long-term disability claim process with our expert paid consultation service. Engage directly with our seasoned disability attorneys, including Ben Glass and Damon Miller, who will meticulously evaluate your medical documentation and insurance policy specifics. Whether meeting face-to-face, via phone, or through Zoom, our long-term disability legal team is dedicated to providing you with a comprehensive analysis of your situation. They’ll guide you through potential pitfalls, potentially saving you significant money and heartache throughout your claim’s duration. Secure your financial future and gain confidence in your claim strategy by booking a consultation with our specialists today.

Additional Resources:

BenGlassLaw’s Ultimate Guide to Mastering Long-Term Disability Claims

What High Wage Earners Need to Know About Long-Term Disability Claims

How Much Should You Pay a Good Long Term Disability Attorney

The BenGlassLaw Long-Term Disability YouTube Channel

BenGlassLaw feature article at Premier Financial Website